News & Media

Media releases

All media information about the company, products, market analyses, current surveys and studies are only available in German. Check out the German media releases of ImmoScout24 or the English media releases of Scout24


YouTube ImmoScout24
Bist du bereit fürs Eigenheim? ? 8 Anzeichen
YouTube ImmoScout24
Ab­wärts­ent­wick­lung kein Dauerstand - Zinskommentar April 2024
YouTube ImmoScout24
Aktuelle Urteile zum Mietrecht März 2024

Media contact

Our media service provides information about our company, our products, market analyses, current surveys and studies. We are happy to answer any questions you may have by phone or email:

Telefon: +49 30 24301-1270

Write an email

At a glance

employees ImmoScout24

More to discover

Our journey continues.
Our vision: To build an ecosystem for real estate. Find out more about our vision and strategy.
Vision & Strategy
We make an active contribution to societ
We understand corporate citizenship as part of our corporate social responsibility.
Here's how it works
How we work, who we are looking for, and why we are convinced that success comes together?